Ever thought of setting up your own business? Now is the time.
So , here you are, retired from your career, but still ready to go. If you have ever considered setting up your own business, now is the...

Playdates for Grannies
We have seen the fraught social life of the under 5s. The under 13s are going non stop with maybe Friday off. but now that the over 65s...

Scary statistics for the over 65s
Recent figures released by the Statistics office from last year's census merit some thought. Between 2011 and 2016, the over 65 age group...

Are we overstressing the present day workforce?
Ireland is stressed. We are no longer the happy little land where people had time to chat, have a pint, watch a match, take a stroll....

Updates Recruiting members. New members are signing up, but we need more. If you know anyone who might be interested in sharing the...
Five Wise Guys: The Third Act
Don't die until you are dead https://youtu.be/RjrnrdxEW9I

The Third Act
The Third Act. Transformation, second chance, new career after retirement, Time ,Space. Opportunity for growth and development. The Third...

Just 1 hour of exercise a week is enough!
Every week Time magazine brings out its latest edition. It also has a very good on line service. It is constantly being added to , so as...