Opportunity to make a difference.
Social Entrepreneurs Ireland is looking for a number of people to join this organisation which encourages entrepreneurs, who have a...

Time for Christmas Cake.
1 kg of mixed fruit- mixed fruit, sultanas, currants, red glace cherries. 2 tbl spoons of orange juice. 1 small glass of...

Keeping a Daily Journal
While they are in the shops, go buy a lovely notebook and turn it into your own powerhouse, performing journal. Research is coming...

Music captures the memory
The BBC, acting on recent research, has launched a new feature on its music website which sends out, literally, a lifeline to dementia...

It really is Beauty Sleep
For those who cut back on their sleep and rise to go to the gym ay 5 in the morning- Stay in Bed. Scientists have been studying sleep for...

Losses and Gains
Ageing means that we have to get used to coping with loss continually. There is very little time to grieve for your teeth, your beautiful...

Trends for 2018-Keeping up
Change is inevitable, but boy, things are now changing so fast. 1. Diversity- buzz word of 2018, including people of colour, disability,...

Join the odd sock month
Everyone has a bag full of odd socks. This is your opportunity to use them up. For one month, wear these socks and discard as you go all...
Brexit? No Problem
When the UK leaves the EU, many European towns will be seeking closer ties with Ireland because we will be the sole English speaking...

Brexit? No problem.
When the UK leaves, our nearest neighbours will be the French. And guess what? They want to get to know us better. Last week, a...