Recruiting members.
New members are signing up, but we need more. If you know anyone who might be interested in sharing the experience, please pass the information along.
Signing up is free and there is no obligation. If members wish to proceed to getting a part time job, for the moment we are keeping that free.
Employers are enthusiastic at the prospect of finding mature, reliable, experienced and enthusiastic people who will step in and give a hand. This is not an employment agency.
We are merely continuing to contribute.
The Barter /Give and Take section is cashless.
This is to encourage members to exchange talents/services/experiences.
What can be exchanged?
A nice walk/ light gardening/a nice meal/cleaning the gutters/language class/IT class/ repairs/help with finances/ mowing grass/ car wash/ house painting.
Members must be very clear that each person is happy with the deal. This should be a win.win experience.
Up and running
Website: www.gettingthere.ie
Please come in and visit the website and let me know what you think at
Health and Well being
Hippocrates held that the changing seasons are good for us and have a direct bearing on our health. So, rather than dashing around, we should allow ourselves to ebb and flow with the changing rhythms and be aware of the changing weather, foliage, gardens and mood, birds, animals, sky and heat.
Autumn is particularly important because we need to build ourselves up before the Winter and also, at the same time, allow ourselves to wind down.
Everything is affected by the changing seasons: heart rate, blood pressure, mood, digestion, sleep patterns and the strength of our immune system.
Guess what? Sunshine is good for us. We need to get the sun on our skin to allow us to build up our reserves of vitamin D.
Of course, everything in moderation.
So get out and walk. No headphones.