Here comes...The Fear Factor

Each time we turn on the tv. or radio, open a newspaper, we find that there is yet another thing to worry about. Who is or who is not wearing a mask? Will the mask protect me? Do other people need protecting from me? Aghhh.
A more pertinent question is when will life be safe enough for us to discard the masks?
It is incredible how quickly, without any resistance, the world closed down and how resistant to opening up so many people appear to be.
We have plenty to worry about. The No Deal Brexit, the deteriorating international relations, the lack of trust in professional bodies, the on-coming recession, the partial opening of schools with universities becoming open universities. perhaps a new 'flu, those floods that are predicted for the Autumn, the shortages of doctors, nurses, teachers, fruit-pickers, and then the possible resurgence of Covid19.. Working from home is great in many aspects, but living, working, sleeping in your bed-room is not great either. Telling pets and children to keep quiet all day so you can take Zoom calls is not very conducive to family life. Dragging the dog for unwanted walks, trying to figure out not only the worksheet sent from the school, but which platform it should be returned on, while writing out your goals for 2021 is difficult enough,, hoping all the while that the schools will re-open in September.
There is a possibility that many people will be let go, once the government subsidy is stopped. There is no money to cover the payroll and sales have not recovered.
The real heros of the crisis/lockdown were the drivers, cleaners, supermarket and petrol station employees, supply chain workers etc who are amongst the lowest paid. Many doctors and nurses now say that they do not know if they can manage another crisis.
One thing that has been very positive during the whole Lockdown
time is how many people availed of opportunities to upskill, do professional development courses, learn new Tech Hacks and become more efficient, Google, Outlook, Canva, MailChimp have all developed their products. Zoom, zoomed out of nowhere and changed how office meetings can take place.
This is good news for the Retired/Nearly Retired worker as Enterprise Ireland, various colleges and companies are offering free or very good value courses on these. areas. I attended an excellect series offered by Osbourne Recruitment working with Navan, Dundalk and Drogheda Chambers of Commerce.
The types of questions asked are useful to us all.
What is working well in our lives?
What could improve?
What needs to change and how can we change it for the better?
What we do need to do is keep going. During the Lockdown, people's long range eyesight deteriorated due to not being used as many people spent more time indoors, looking at screens.
The important thing is not to let ourselves be dominated by The Fear Factor.
Stay Strong. Get out in the fresh air. Take in the vitamin D. Exercise. Find a purpose.