Up sticks and Go

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In Hong Kong today, thanks a bit to Covid 19, thanks a lot to new environmental policies, the sky is now visible and blue. And they are actively looking for experienced people to go.and live there.
Not only do they have a 5 year plan, but they also have a 10, year, 20 year and 30 year plan.
30 years in the future might be a bit ambitious.. .
Speaking at a seminar organised by HKSAR, Carrie Lam set out her very well thought out vision for Hong Kong.. In fairness, the first issue she addressed was the recent unrest and calls for more democracy. She speaks clearly, calmly and with serenity. She holds that Hong Kong is very proud of its one country/2 systems blueprint and that any attempts to cause damage to public property, incite revolution or interfere with the day to day running of Hong Kong is being dealt with through the courts, who are independent.
Others might be a bit sceptical about all this, but what comes through is the vision she holds for the future.
She went on to enunciate the main areas that Hong Kong would be developing . They have a low tax system and provide a gate way to mainland China, but traffic goes both ways and many Chinese companies are setting up offices in Hong Kong to avail of the international finance and contacts. The domestic market in itself is massive and growing as more and more Chinese people seek to upgrade their standard of living. China is in a growth pattern and seeks western partnerships and products. . Hong Kong has set a goal of being carbon neutral by 2050. Electric cars are already popular, but so are new forms of energy. They already have very productive deals with French, British and Belgian companies to assist in better energy management, waste recycling and conservation of water.
Security wise, it is one of the safest places on the planet, with a very low crime rate. It takes freedom of speech very seriously and the newspapers often carry articles criticising the leadership.
It intends expanding the port and working with Piraeus in Greece to be able to ensure smooth maritime transport. . It has the ambition to be the first in the world for shipping. . The third runway is being completed, in the airport. Hong Hong does not just plan, it implements.
What interests me greatly is the emphasis on education. It wants to be a great world education hub. Already 5 of its universities are in the top 100 of the world, but concentrating on secondary education , it has invited many schools, colleges and educational establishments from across the world to come and open a subsidiary in Hong Kong. Already many have.
Secondary Education should never be underestimated.. IN fact this is a very influential time in anyone's life. Great friendships are made and kept.. Interests are formed and ideas bubble through on ideas of how to life life.
Another aspect that is of great interest to me is that it has set up a Start Up area. People with ideas can come to these hubs, get training, exchange ideas with other creative people, get finance and get started.. They have attracted 8 unicorns ready to invest 1 billion $.
Ireland has done very well in diversifying its economy, but it might be ab idea to keep an eye on developments in Hong Kong.